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🧮 The last 24 hours we have received 12 new complaints

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Submit your complaint and suggest how the company should resolve it. After confirming your e-mail address, your complaint will be published online.

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Unpaid withrawal

I made a withrawal on Friday using mpesa , until now I haven't received the money in my mpesa yet the funds were deducted in my 1xbet account , I've been trying to email support team but they aren't responding.

Inactivity Fee

They first locked my account. Which I used 3 months ago. Then ask me to reset my password and pattern. They took almost 2 month to respond it and mean while they deducted my fund.

inactivity Fee

FREE WALLET took my money due to inactivity fee without any emails and reminders they took without my permission and i think its against privacy policy. its a robbery!

Rude unhelpful staff

I wanted to order a large order and instead of using the new kiosk system went to the counter where I asked the girl behind the counter if I could place my order as I thought it would be quicker.She...

Fraudulent Charges

Charged for a 1 year subscription without my consent.

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Card Blocked and No response from Support

My card was blocked to one month ago and I've been writing to support since then and they have been like playing with me I cannot get a series of sports from them that I will transfer your call to...

Returns made impossible and not refunded

According to European law a consumer has to right to return items without explanation within 2 weeks. Temu claims they offer 90 day free return. The return label they provided turned out to be invalid at the post office. The return shipment...

refund not issued

I bought three pairs of shoes. kept one pair, returned two. received a refund only for one pair, still trying to get my refund but have been refused twice, due to a discrepancy of some sort. called them 4 different times,...

Cannot access funds

I want every pound out of the exchange. In my case, you’ve made it impossible for me to continue using your services. Withdrawing Fiat Did all of the formalities including waiting days for my initial deposit to go through, tried to withdraw...

Missing credits and belittling

Missing credits, has gone on for 5 weeks and 3 days. all the evidence I send is either invalid or non usable deemed by them. Today Support agent Tiago made assumptions that I cant turn on my Playstation. All this...

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fraudulent charges

ARAMARK just charged my credit card by fraud. Never heard of them!

Zesta Crackers

I also have a complaint about Zesta crackers! As well as the 'shrinkage' of the product inside the box, and the price (that has almost doubled in recent years), the QUALITY of the crackers has went to...

Whats changed??

Lewis Brothers is the only thing close we’ve found..& it’s actually better imo!

Apritude commercial

Why do heterosexuals always complain about other people's lives? 16% of the population now identify as LGBTQ. Say, how about we stop all commercials of straight people loving one another? That sounds...

Postage overcharge

Vinted are a joke! where do they get these prices for postage from! I almost sold a small bra, for £4, Vinted had the postage as £4.99 the buyer didnt want it after tht and i dont blame her! Many times...


Hello, I’m curious what happened to you after the deadline.

Problem with rhino

My rhino is stuck at 68% for months and it only protects 5 times even if I have 150 shields

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